Though July is usually our hottest month, now is the time to prepare your air conditioner and home to ensure the lowest energy bills and maximum efficiency. And with the temperatures expected to reach 120 degrees this weekend, you definitely want to make sure you’re staying cool. Here are the top 3 tips to prepare your home for summer in Arizona:
1.) Set your thermostat
If you’re constantly changing your thermostat, you won’t conserve energy in your home. It’s best to set it at the highest comfortable temperature and leave it. Or if you can, use a programmable thermostat that will automatically adjust for times you are away from home or sleeping. Also, thermostats can pick up heat from lamps, TVs and appliances so be sure to keep them away.
2.) Change your filter
Arizona’s 300 daysof sunshinecontributes to the dry,dusty climate that can quickly clogyour air filter and reduce its efficiency. Clogged air filters can lead to higher energy bills and more frequent air conditioning repairs. So be sure to clean or replace your filter every month.If it’s easier, set the same date every month on your calendar or in your phone to change your filters. You and your A/C will be much happier.
3.) Cool your interior
Using your air conditioner isn’t the only way to cool down your Arizona home. Use ceiling fans and oscillating fans when you can to move and cool the air around your home. Change the direction of your ceiling fan to have it blowing downwards for a cool breeze effect. Just remember to shut your fans off when you’re not in the room or away from home to save energy. You can also invest in room darkening window coverings like sunscreens to help keep the heat out.
Our Arizona summers demand care and attention if you want to stay cool and comfortable. The good news is with a small amount of effort, you can sit back and make the most of your home this summer. If you’d like more tips on keeping your home cool this summer or if you’re looking to buy an Arizona home to enjoy in retirement, please contact me today!